• 12-06-2023
  • Stella Gonzales
Tips & Guides

Discovering the Lighter's Location in Amnesia: The Bunker - A Comprehensive Guide

Discovering the Lighter's Location in Amnesia: The Bunker - A Comprehensive Guide

Embark on a thrilling journey within the chilling confines of a WWI bunker in Amnesia: The Bunker, a horror game released in June 2023. As the sole survivor in the bunker, players must navigate dark tunnels and battle a terrifying monster that has annihilated everyone else. A vital item in this nerve-wracking experience is a simple lighter, used for everything from lighting torches to creating Molotov cocktails. To obtain the lighter, you must first find a locker code by exploring the dark, treacherous bunker. In this tutorial, we'll guide you through the necessary steps to locate the hard-to-find lighter and improve your chances of survival in Amnesia: The Bunker.

Finding the Locker Code: A. Giraud's Dog Tag

Finding the Locker Code

In Amnesia: The Bunker, locker codes are etched on the backs of dog tags. To secure the lighter, players must find A. Giraud's dog tag can appear in two possible locations and is randomized each time. Despite its random generation, players should have little trouble locating the tag in either of these two locations.

Potential Location 1: Forman's Quarters

The first possible location for A. Giraud's dog tag is Forman's Quarters. To find it, exit the generator and make a left, heading down a ramp and turning left again into a tunnel marked "Officer's Quarters" and "maintenance." Continue past the officer's bunks and make a right before reaching the stairs. Here, players will encounter a group of rats congregating near the Wine Cellar. Use gasoline and a flare to disperse them, but beware of attracting the monster's attention when doing so. Players can also opt to sprint past the rats, although it may result in taking damage.

Follow the hallway until you see a wooden door with the warning: Rats! Do Not Enter! To the left of this door, climb the stairs leading to a room with a desk. Search the desk to find A. Giraud's token.

Potential Location 2: Rats Room

Rats Room

If the token is not in Foreman's quarters, the second possible place is the rat room. This place is marked by a warning painted on the wooden boards: "Do Not Enter!" Be prepared for a trap awaiting you at the front door: there are undetected trippers in the room that cannot be disarmed. Because of the noise caused by the trap, players may have to hide from or shoot the menacing horror monster.

Inside the Rat's Room, inspect the desk to the left of the door to find A. Giraud's dog tag.

Obtaining the Lighter in Amnesia: The Bunker

Once you have A. Giraud's dog tag is in your possession; proceed to the Mission Storage room. Although both doors to this room are locked, players can gain access through a vent situated between the two doors. The vent emits red light, making it relatively easy to locate. Climb the boxes in front of the vent, remove the grate, and enter the room.

Inside the Mission Storage room, locate A. Giraud's locker and input the code found on the dog tag. The code can be viewed in the inventory menu under the "code" section. Upon opening the locker, you will find the lighter waiting for you on the top shelf, ready to aid you in your desperate struggle for survival in the harrowing world of Amnesia: The Bunker.