• 06-08-2023
  • Stella Gonzales
Tips & Guides

Five Stellar Alternatives to Starfield: Exploring the Depths of Space Through Gaming

Five Stellar Alternatives to Starfield: Exploring the Depths of Space Through Gaming

If you're an enthusiast of space exploration video games, you've likely heard about Starfield. Developed by Bethesda Game Studios, it is a highly anticipated single-player RPG set in space. While we eagerly anticipate its release, here are five fantastic alternatives that can quench your thirst for interstellar adventure.

1. Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous game

Intro to Elite Dangerous

Elite Dangerous is a critically acclaimed game developed and published by Frontier Developments. This game has been praised for its realistic depiction of open-world space exploration and setting within a full-scale replica of the Milky Way galaxy.

Gameplay, Story, and Setting

In Elite Dangerous, players can explore, trade, mine resources and engage in combat in an open-world environment. The story evolves with significant events and power struggles affecting the game's universe. Every player's actions can influence these events, making each player's journey unique. The setting follows a futuristic society where space travel is common. It features realistic physics-based flight simulation which considers real-life orbital mechanics. It also includes multiplayer elements where players can interact with others through cooperation or competition.

2. No Man’s Sky

No Man’s Sky

Intro to No Man’s Sky

No Man's Sky, a title blending action, adventure, and survival components, was developed and launched by Hello Games. It stood out for its procedurally generated open universe promise that allows players to explore over 18 quintillion planets!

Gameplay, Story, and Setting

Players start stranded on a random planet with a damaged starship that they must repair by gathering resources from their surroundings. As players venture deeper into the cosmos, they encounter various new plant and animal species, facing aggressive beings in their journey. The story revolves around reaching the center of the universe following mysterious signals left by an ancient race known as The Atlas. With stunning graphics portraying captivating alien landscapes and celestial bodies, No Man's Sky offers endless exploration possibilities.

3. Star Citizen

Star Citizen game

Intro to Star Citizen

Star Citizen is an upcoming multiplayer space trading and combat simulator being developed and published by Cloud Imperium Games Corporation headed by Chris Roberts (creator of Wing Commander).

Gameplay, Story, and Setting

Star Citizen aims to combine multiple video game genres into a grand scale dynamic universe with unparalleled immersion levels. Players will be able to trade goods between systems or engage in both PvE/PvP combats as they traverse across different planets. The narrative campaign mode "Squadron 42" boasts high-profile actors like Mark Hamill & Gary Oldman giving life to its characters through motion capture performances. Star Citizen operates within a detailed economy system reflecting supply/demand dynamics influenced by player actions & mission outcomes – bringing depth into this expansive cosmos waiting to be explored.

4. Outer Wilds

Outer Wilds game

Intro to Outer Wilds

Outer Wilds is one-of-a-kind indie adventure game developed by Mobius Digital that stands out due to its unique time-loop mechanic coupled with intricate storytelling through environmental clues scattered throughout its compact yet fascinating solar system.

Gameplay, Story ,and Setting

Players control an alien space explorer readying for his first voyage outside his home planet equipped with limited tools like translator device & scout launcher aiding in investigating foreign terrains & deciphering ancient alien texts respectively. Upon waking up under your home planet’s sky next to your wooden spaceship (yes wooden!), you quickly realize you’re stuck in a 22-minute time loop ending with your sun going supernova! Unraveling mysteries behind this phenomenon involves visiting diverse planetary bodies having their own gravitational pull impacting gameplay significantly; creating tense moments while exploring deep sea currents or navigating zero-gravity caves filled with ghost matter! Outer Wilds artfully combines exploration-focused gameplay with non-linear storytelling rewarding curiosity at every turn - truly worthy alternative till Starfield arrives!

5.EVE Online

EVE Online logo

An Intro To EVE Online

EVE Online is Massively Multiplayer Online Game (MMOG) developed & published by CCP Games giving players freedom to carve their own path across its persistent world featuring thousands of star systems connected via stargates

The Gameplay ,Story And Setting

EVE Online Player-driven economy forms EVE Online’s core gameplay element, where everything from ship manufacturing down till basic ammunition involves resource mining/processing done either individually or via corporations (player-run organizations). Your journey starts off as Capsuleer (immortal pilot) capable of controlling wide variety ships - from nimble frigates up to gargantuan capital ships! Offering roles such as traders, pirates, miners etc, based on skill training happening real-time even when logged off It Set approximately 21000 years future when humanity exhausted Earth’s resources and started colonizing the rest of Milky Way but got cut-off due to mysterious wormhole collapse leading them to evolve separately from creating diverse political factions vying for control From epic fleet battles involving a thousand ships amidst cosmic anomalies down till ‘metagaming’ outside actual game itself, Eve online offers profound gaming experience bringing complex socio-political dynamics of our world into captivating sci-fi setting!

5. Mass Effect Series

Mass Effect game

An Intro to the Mass Effect Series

The Mass Effect series, developed by Bioware and published by Electronic Arts, is a critically acclaimed science fiction RPG franchise. Its rich storytelling and deep character development have left indelible marks on the genre.

Gameplay, Story, and Setting

In the Mass Effect series, players take on the role of Commander Shepard, navigating through a complex narrative that branches out based on their decisions. Gameplay revolves around exploration, combat, and interactions with other characters. Set in the 22nd century within the Milky Way galaxy where humanity has discovered ancient alien technology enabling faster-than-light travel (Mass Relays), it explores themes like diversity, political strife, and existential threats. The story revolves around Shepard's mission to save the galaxy from a cyclical event where advanced life forms are purged by sentient machines known as 'Reapers.' The player's choices significantly impact the plotline within each game and carry over through sequels making every journey unique.

To summarize, while Starfield promises an exciting new venture into space exploration gaming, these five alternatives offer an array of experiences ranging from survival-based resource management (No Man's Sky) to intricate socio-political dynamics (Eve Online & Elite Dangerous), time-loop mystery solving (Outer Wilds) and deep narrative-driven gameplay (Mass Effect). Each brings something unique to this genre that will keep you engaged until Starfield finally hits our systems.