• 12-08-2024
  • Sandra Lehmann
Tips & Guides

Haunting Adventures and Hidden Treasures: A Walkthrough for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Haunting Adventures and Hidden Treasures: A Walkthrough for Luigi's Mansion 2 HD

Welcome to the haunting and adventurous world of Luigi's Mansion 2 HD! In this walkthrough guide, we will plunge you into the mysterious environments of this captivating game. As players navigate the eerie mansions, they will encounter ghosts, puzzles, and gems galore. With an array of insights and strategies, this guide promises to enhance your gameplay experience, helping you locate hidden treasures and confront the ghosts that haunt each level. In this chapter, we will delve into the exciting E-3: A Train to Catch, where our beloved Luigi must rescue Mario from the clutches of the mischievous King Boo. Get ready to embark on a spine-chilling ride!

Chapter 1: The Eerie Train Exhibit Awaits

As the adventure begins, Luigi learns that King Boo has made a chilling return, capturing Mario in a shocking twist. Our heroic plumber must summon his courage and venture into the train exhibit, where the air is thick with the presence of ghosts and the thrill of the chase lingers. Begin your journey by heading toward the courtyard; your first task is to locate a crank situated on the staircase leading to the first door on your right. This will unlock the East Corridor, setting the stage for your ghostly escapades.

Upon entering the area, you’ll encounter a cleverly disguised door leading to the exhibit—beware, as it is a fake trap! Clear out the lingering ghosts for good measure, and prepare to enter the study, where your first clue to Mario's whereabouts lies.

Chapter 2: The Study and Secrets Within

Inside the study, a balloon catches your eye attached to the right-side wall. Grab it and ascend into the Dark Age Exhibit. A minigame awaits on the other side of a gleaming gold balloon. Conquer this challenge to discover a hidden Boo, the Booreaucrat, lurking within the shadows.

Luigi's Mansion 2 video game

Next, examine the wall for a crack allowing you to spy into the adjacent exhibit. Activate your dark-light to unveil a yellow book resting on a table in the room’s right corner. Make sure you insert this book into the bookcase, prompting a sneaky ghost to snatch it away. This book is crucial to progressing through the level, but before addressing that situation, you'll need to explore a bit more.

Chapter 3: Nautical Adventures Await

Venture into the Nautical Exhibit next door, where a layer of steam obscures your view. Utilize your Poltergust to suck the steam away, clearing the area of obstacles and allowing you to face down a Slammers and the mischievous green ghosts. After vanquishing them, it’s time to activate the E-Gate situated in the room.

Interact with the steering wheel to rotate the floor compass, ensuring the yellow book transitions into the adjoining room. Keep an eye out for hidden treasures during your exploration!

Finding Treasures: Gems Galore

While navigating the Nautical Exhibit, pay close attention to a boat stationed in the right corner. There lies a secret door that opens when you stand on the life-ring. Utilize your E-Gates effectively to guide a log to the vessel and place it on the ring, revealing a hidden compartment containing a sparkling gem. Collect it before proceeding back to the central staircase.

Chapter 4: Aviation and Space Awaits

With the nautical gem secured, the next location to explore is the Aviation Exhibit. Here, you’ll see a hot air balloon guarded by sandbags. Carefully pull away the first sandbag, but beware—ghosts will rise to challenge you! Defeat the ghouls to uncover the second sandbag and, in turn, reveal another gem hidden within the exhibit.

Luigi's Mansion 2 online game

This small area is also adorned with a fountain and requires your dark-light to unveil a concealed door that leads to the Space Exhibit. Upon entering, peering through the telescope will trigger an intense battle against the ghost who took your precious book. This fight involves circling around a miniature planet exhibit and using your Poltergust to stun the spectral foe.

Once you defeat the ghost, bombs will sporadically shoot out, leaving you to engage in basic combat until you exhaust the ghost's health. With the ghost finally defeated, you can utilize the E-Gate to reclaim the yellow book. Remember, aiming to retrieve the book is key to your success in this chapter!

Chapter 5: Backtracking for More Gems

Before stepping into the Train Exhibit, it’s a wise decision to backtrack and hunt down any remaining gems scattered around the level. By returning to the study and grabbing another balloon, you can make your way to the front entrance. Ascend to the right side and identify a gargoyle clutching a blue book. This book belongs in the bookcase in the Dark Ages Exhibit and will yield yet another gem upon retrieval.

Two additional gems await your collection as well. Return to the study again, grab one more balloon, and venture to the Jungle Exhibit. Float upwards to grab a gold balloon, engaging in another enjoyable minigame for the chance to earn a gem. Following this, once again return to snag a balloon, and this time, float in the Ice Age Exhibit to secure another gem by overcoming the gold balloon minigame.

Chapter 6: Entering the Train Exhibit

Now, it’s time for the grand entrance into the Train Exhibit! Clear the area of the two blue ghosts and a sneaky purple foe. Afterward, meticulously employ your dark-light in the center of the room, working your magic to summon the grand locomotive to roll in. Keep in mind that there’s a useful item—a dog bone—in the controls to your right, which might prove handy in your ghostly endeavors!

Luigi's Mansion 2 game

As you peer into the central porthole of the train exhibit, you’ll catch a glimpse of Mario trapped and held captive by a cluster of boos. Your mission is becoming clearer, setting up the stage for the thrilling conclusion that lies ahead. Pull your courage together, for the adventure to rescue Mario and encounter King Boo in all his glory is just around the corner!

Chapter 7: The Road Ahead

With the secrets of the Train Exhibit uncovered and your gem collection nearly complete, you are now well on your way to traversing the remaining haunted corners of Luigi's Mansion 2 HD. This exciting journey is packed with challenges, hidden treasures, and, of course, ghosts that are eager to put your skills to the test. Continue preparing for the enigmatic encounters ahead, and may your Poltergust serve you well in the pursuit of Mario's rescue!