• 07-01-2024
  • Stella Gonzales
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The 10 Best Video Games of All Time

The 10 Best Video Games of All Time

Video games have shaped entertainment, culture, and even the way we interact with technology. From simple arcade origins to the sprawling virtual galaxies of today, games have come a long way. Ranking the best video games of all time is a formidable challenge with so many genres, styles, and platforms to consider. Nonetheless, we've scoured gaming history to present you with a list of the top video games that have left an indelible mark on the industry and players alike. These are titles that not only set the highest standards in terms of gameplay and narrative but also pioneered new trends and made lasting contributions to the medium.

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time for the Nintendo 64 is not only considered the best installment in the Zelda franchise but often hailed as one of the best video games ever made. Introduced in 1998, it set the standard for 3D action-adventure games with its innovative mechanics, immersive world, and complex narrative. Its introduction of Z-targeting and context-sensitive actions became industry standards, and it remains a touchstone of design excellence.

Super Mario Bros.

Super Mario Bros.

A list of the greatest video games wouldn't be complete without Super Mario Bros. The 1985 masterpiece for the NES redefined platform gaming with its tight controls, iconic levels, and charming characters. It catapulted the industry forward after the 1983 downturn and has been a template for countless games that followed.


As a testament to the power of simplicity, Tetris takes a straightforward concept and turns it into an addictive puzzle game that's easy to learn yet difficult to master. Since its creation in 1984, this game has appeared on every gaming platform imaginable and remains a beloved staple in the gaming world.

Half-Life 2

Half-Life 2

Revolutionizing storytelling in games and pushing the boundaries of graphics and physics, Half-Life 2, released in 2004, delivered a first-person shooter that's as immersive as it is intellectually stimulating. With its detailed world and compelling narrative, it drew players into a dystopian science fiction adventure that remains influential to this day.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt is a crowning achievement in role-playing games. Its expansive open world, deep character development, and intricate narrative offer players a level of freedom and storytelling that few other games can match. From its release in 2015, it has set a new bar for what RPGs can achieve in terms of world-building and player-driven stories.

Final Fantasy VII

Integrating a compelling narrative with a unique battle system and immersive world-building, Final Fantasy VII captured the hearts of gamers upon its release in 1997. Its cinematic approach to storytelling and character development helped to mainstream JRPGs in markets outside Japan and inspired a multitude of sequels and spin-offs.

Final Fantasy VII


When launched in 1993, DOOM fundamentally changed the first-person shooter genre. Its fast-paced gameplay, multiplayer features, and mod-friendly design not only made it a household name but also influenced the direction of subsequent shooter games. Its impact on gaming culture and the modding community is immeasurable.


As a sandbox game that offers endless possibilities, Minecraft broke the gaming mold upon its release in 2011. By enabling players to build and explore their own worlds, it has become a phenomenon that transcends age and skill level, appealing to a wide range of gamers and non-gamers alike. It's a testament to the creative potential of video games as a medium.

Grand Theft Auto V

Grand Theft Auto V is a landmark in open-world game design. With its massive and meticulously detailed world, deep narrative, and groundbreaking approach to multiplayer, it stands as one of the highest achievements in modern gaming. Launched in 2013, it has enjoyed enduring popularity and continues to set records years after its release.

Grand Theft Auto V

Dark Souls

Dark Souls is synonymous with challenging gameplay. Its minimalist storytelling, atmospheric world, and brutal difficulty created a new benchmark for action RPGs. Since its release in 2011, it has spawned a series of games that have maintained a dedicated and passionate fanbase, solidifying its status as a cult classic.


These 10 video games are not just best-sellers or critically acclaimed titles; they're landmarks that have helped shape the vast landscape of gaming. They exemplify the best of storytelling, gameplay innovation, and artistic design. While opinions on the 'best' games will always vary, these games have unquestionably forged significant connections with players and have contributed to the growth and evolution of video gaming as a respected and beloved form of entertainment.